Airport & Airspace Real-Time Forecasting & What-If
Harness fast-time simulations to transform real-time airport operations. WIZer uses live information, such as flight progress messages, radar tracks, weather, A-CDM updates, and more, to provide detailed, up-to-the-minute forecasts of air traffic demand, traffic complexity, and controller workload. WIZer’s sophisticated technology, securely integrated with airport and air traffic control systems, automatically runs fast-time simulations at regular intervals to provide real-time decision support.
The Evolution of Air Traffic Control
Area Control Center (ACC) supervisors, Flow Management Positions (FMPs), air traffic controllers, and airport operators can benefit from WIZer’s predictive capabilities. The leading-edge software repeatedly conducts fast-time simulations of the current traffic situation to obtain a forecast for the next few hours. It calculates the future situation, logging relevant events for flights and for controllers, and delivers warnings when forecasts will exceed defined thresholds. It will also propose air traffic flow and capacity management (ATFCM) measures to balance demand and capacity. Users can perform interactive what-if analyses—to test options to achieve efficient demand capacity balancing (DCB).

Benefits for Our Clients
- Run live forecasts of future air traffic situations and sector loads 24/7
- Predict controller workload based on air traffic demand
- Support ACC supervisors and FMPs to make decisions real-time
- Test scenarios to balance demand and capacity